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Han K4/4-F 6-16mm² Finger prot
Han K4/4-F 6-16mm² Finger prot
Item No.: 09380082701
Stefan Sorge Stefan Sorge

in stock


lead time >7 days

Han K4/4-F 6-16mm² Finger prot

Item No.: 09380082701
GTIN: 5713140056312
Availability: lead time > 7 days
Housing size 10B
Housing size 10B
with metric thread
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Recently Viewed Items
Han K4/4-F 6-16mm² Finger prot
Han K4/4-F 6-16mm² Finger prot
Item No.: 09380082701
Han K4/4-F 6-16mm² Finger prot
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